Submitting Tournament Rosters


1. Under the "Rostering" tab on the Ranger Youth Softball site, visit "Roster Admin"

2. Enter your league's Franchise Number and hit Search

3. Click on "View Tournament Teams" to move from the regular season rostering system into the tournament rostering system

4. Click on "Create Team" to create a tournament team

5. Enter a tournament division and optionally enter a team name (team names can be useful if you have more than one tournament team per division)

6. Click "Next"

7. You are now in "Manage Players"


8. You will see all available players sorted by first by division and second by last name. Select players for the tournament team by clicking the check box to the left of the name

9, Once your players are all selected, click "Save"

10. Click on "Manage Coaches / Managers"

11. You will see all coaches and managers sorted by last name. Select your coaches and managers for this tournament team by clicking the check box to the left of the name and adjusting their "Role" in the dropdown.

12. Once your coaches and managers are selected, click "Save"

13. Click "Back" to return to the tournament rostering homepage

14. You will now see any requirements that have not been met in red.

These requirements are as follows:

  • 6U-8U: 11-12 players, 1 manager, 3 coaches
  • 9U-18U: 11-12 players, 1 manager, 2 coaches

15. If all requirements are met, a print button will populate. Click this button, double check your form, and bring to your district meeting for approval.

16. To create another tournament team, repeat steps 4-13

17. To delete a tournament team, click the trash can to the far right

18. To return back to the regular season rostering system, click "View Regular Teams"


Ranger Youth Softball

PO BOX 436
Blossom, TX 75416

Contact Us - Ranger Youth Softball

Teampass ™ - February 19 2025 ©